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David preaching to congregation


The Servants of the King

Date: January 27th, 2013
Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-14


As Christians we have inherited Christ's great name, and we're His heirs. As we take Christ's name, we inherit all that is His.

Scripture:  Hebrews 1:1-14

Sermon Notes:

  1. There is nothing more important in the Christian life than glorifying the name of the Lord Jesus.
  2. When we set Christ and the glory of His name as first priority, then the other elements of our lives take their proper place.
  3. Having come away from hearing God’s Word, we should feel compelled to talk about the greatness of Christ.
  4. Hebrews has implications for all creation; we live in the age of the Messiah.
  5. A name sums up who a person is, comprehending their character.  All Christ is and all He has done is superlatively good, and so He has received the most excellent name.
  6. As Christians we have inherited Christ’s great name, and we’re His heirs.  As we take Christ’s name, we inherit all that is His.
  7. Christ’s names—the Lord (King), Jesus (Saviour), Christ (Anointed One)—reveal His Person to us.
  8. His name is so great that He is categorized as God.
  9. Our culture is obsessed with angels and demons; however, much of contemporary “spirituality” is just a shield against the claims and Lordship of Jesus Christ over our lives.
  10. What is foreshadowed in David is fulfilled in Christ’s global eternal kingdom (Psalm 2).
  11. Every cult and heresy denies the Father-Son relationship and the eternal Sonship of Christ (cf. 1 John 2:22-23).
  12. Christ in His enthronement has absolute priority and authority (Psalm 97; Deut. 32:39-43).
  13. Angels are likened to winds and fire—pictures of God’s righteous judgment over the earth.
  14. Angels do not have independent power; they do God’s will.
  15. When Jesus confronts demons He commands their submission.   He has total and full authority.
  16. We must remember that Christ is a king, and that by implication He must have a kingdom (Psalm 45:6-7).
  17. We can’t even begin to discuss the engagement of our faith with society unless we declare the authority of Christ over all things.
  18. “Your throne, O God, is forever”: Christ’s rule is characterized by righteousness and hatred for lawlessness.
  19. The writer of Hebrews celebrates Christ’s hatred for lawlessness, i.e., hostility to God and His Word (cf. 1John 3:4).
  20. Apart from Christ and His Law there is no justice, because justice is an expression of His being.
  21. If we want to be anointed of God we must love righteousness and hate lawlessness.  And law keeping should be associated with joy and delight (cf. the life of Christ and Psalm 119).
  22. We can know the joy of the Holy Spirit no matter what our circumstances may be.
  23. The spirit of antichrist denies the Father, the Son, and the commandments of God (1 John 2:3-6, 22-24).
  24. If you are a Christian you have a holy anointing from God.
  25. We look to things and relationships for security; but everything in the universe will wear out, except Christ.
  26. God the Father makes all His enemies Christ’s footstool.
  27. If we are to believe what our eyes see, then the kingdom of Christ appears to be on the verge of ruin. 
  28. There will always be enemies that disturb; but angels are sent to minister to believers, ensuring our inheritance of salvation.

Application Questions:

  1. How does prioritizing the glory of Christ resolve life’s problems?
  2. What are the implications of the supremacy of Christ for us?
  3. What is entailed in being joint-heirs with Christ?
  4. What do the names of Christ reveal about His person and character?
  5. Can we expect to have the anointing of God when we live lawlessly?  What is the anointing?
  6. What is the character of Christ’s enthronement based on Psalm 97 and Deuteronomy 32:39-43?
  7. Where lies our hope and confidence in the face of setbacks?
  8. What is the basis of justice?

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