Westminster Chapel Logo

What to Expect

You’re welcome to join us for congregational worship on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. For parents of toddlers, childcare is available during the service, though you’re welcome to keep your children with you.

When you arrive, greeters will meet you at the doors and guide you to the sanctuary, which is just up the stairs. An usher will give you a worship booklet outlining the service, and you’re welcome to sit anywhere. We offer simultaneous Spanish translation. Headsets are available just outside the sanctuary entrance and you can ask an usher or greeter for assistance.

The service begins with a call to worship in the form of a responsive reading from Scripture. The call to worship is followed by an opening hymn, confession of faith (we recite the Nicene Creed), passing the peace, more singing, and taking up the offering. We sing both traditional and contemporary hymns from the Hymns of Grace hymnal found in the pews.

After we sing, one of the elders will lead us in prayer. Then we stand for the reading of God’s Word, which is then preached. Our preaching is both expository and practical. We preach through books of the Bible.

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday. After the Lord’s Supper, we sing the Doxology, pray the Lord’s Supper, and sing a final hymn. The service concludes with a benediction.

After the service, we’ll share announcements about upcoming events in the life of the church. If there are any events happening that day, we warmly invite you to join us for fellowship. We hope you'll join us for worship and fellowship this Sunday.