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David preaching to congregation


The Coming Government

Date: December 15th, 2013
Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7


Every pagan empire — past, present and future — will fall and be replaced by Christ's rule.

Scripture:  Isaiah 9:2-7

Sermon Notes:

  1. The gospel is not junk mail carrying a virus; the good news about Christ will affect you and it will change you, but constructively.
  2. God sent repeated messages about His coming government, which was inaugurated at Christ’s birth.
  3. It is a modern phenomenon to equate “government” with the state.  God has instituted the governments of Christ, the family, and the church, as well as the state.
  4. Today the public realm of civil government is known for hypocrisy, dishonesty, oppression, and death.
  5. The government of Christ by contrast, is full of truth, justice, righteousness, and life.
  6. Christ is the invasion of God’s perfect reign into history.
  7. First, Christ is the Counsellor, the infallible wise teacher who speaks truth and justice.
  8. Second, Christ is the Mighty God, the omnipotent One who keeps His promise.
  9. Third, Christ is the everlasting Father, entering into a covenant of provision and protection for all who trust in Him.
  10. Fourth, Christ is the Prince of Peace:  He enables us to re-establish peace with God, which then enables us to regain peace with others.
  11. These titles of Christ concern His reign, rule and dominion.
  12. Christ saves us so that we might serve His government.
  13. The government and dominion of Christ is ever-increasing.  He rules the future.  His government brings victory.
  14. Christ (Shiloh) was from the family line of Judah, the custodian tribe of kingship until the coming of Christ. 
  15. Authority belongs to the Lawgiver, the promised One whose right it is to rule (Gen. 49:10; Psalm 22; 72:11).
  16. Modern man demands that ours be a democratic universe.
  17. But we are subjects of a King whose authority is above our personal desires.   As the angels sang, a Saviour is born to us who is Christ the Lord.
  18. Ezekiel prophesied that Christ would overturn Kings.
  19. Like King Herod we still strike out against God today.  We want to be our own gods in a democratic universe. We do not want Shiloh to reign over us. We expect salvation from the state.
  20. Everything that can be shaken is being shaken in our unstable political and economic times.
  21. Christ came as ruler of the kings of the earth, reclaiming everything that has been tainted by sin. 
  22. Every pagan empire, past, present and future, will fall and be replaced by Christ’s rule.
  23. The reign of Christ begins when God grants us peace with Christ. Then it extends by the application of God’s word to every area of life.
  24. Christ wants to govern and rule in our hearts today.

Application Questions:

  1. What is the impact of Christ’s message upon our lives?
  2. Describe the governmental structures instituted by God.
  3. Identify the significance of Christ’s titles listed in Isaiah 9.
  4. How does modern man respond to Christ’s kingship? What is the consequence of rejecting Christ’s reign?
  5. How can we serve and extend the reign of Christ this week?

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