All societies require social financing; God provides a means of social financing in tithing, giving, and lending. If we do not honour God in these ways, the State moves in and gains influence and control.
Scripture: Heb. 13:15-16; Ps. 50:9-23
Sermon Notes:
Jesus redeemed a people for Himself, offering the one and only sacrifice that can cleanse us from our sin.
As priests, we do not offer animal sacrifices, but God receives our praise as an acceptable sacrifice (1 Thess. 5:16-18).
Giving thanks to God often gets us through our troubles and anxieties because it places the focus on God and His goodness.
We are to confess God daily by our words and actions, in every part of our lives and activities.
It is often not convenient to acknowledge the name of God; the fear of man often hampers us in confessing Christ.
Confessing Him demonstrates the truth of our profession.
There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation; Christ has done it. But we can offer praise and thanks to God as a royal priesthood.
Second, we are exhorted to love, i.e., to do good and to share generously in keeping with God’s law (Rom. 7:12).
God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:6-13; Phil. 4:18).
Christ calls His priests to giving, sharing, and generosity.
The Bible has implications for all areas of life including politics, so we must critique worldviews.
The only worldview that shows true compassion and concern for humanity is the biblical vision based on mercy, righteousness, and justice under God’s law.
All societies require social financing; God provides a means of social financing in the tithe, giving, and lending.
If we do not honour God in these ways, the State moves in and gains influence and control.
In Scripture, the State is denied the right to tax real property.
The State does not hold title to the earth; God does. The tithe is God’s tax for our use of the earth (Psalm 24:1).
Historically, immunity to taxation meant liberty; today the State requires 40-50% of everything you earn, and taxes your property, which is a claim to ownership.
Obedience to God’s tithe results in blessing; disobedience results in cursing.
The church is not a beggar agency; God owns everything and requires His tax for the increase of the earth.
We are to use the tithe for the maintenance of the levitical class and for ministries of mercy, education, and justice.
Tithing finances acts of love and compassion and creates a free society based on generosity not coercion.
Tithing is the first step in restoring the role of the church in funding social needs. As God’s new priesthood we are to tithe and give generously as acts of praise and worship.
Biblical giving is to share and worship before the Lord.
Paul says if a man refuses to work, he should not eat.
Under Marxism, everything is owned in the name of the State and men are made slaves. The elite hold onto power ruthlessly by satisfying the demands of the mob.
The two options for social financing are coercive redistribution or the pattern of Christ: deeds of love and kindness done out of gratitude as sacrifices to God.
Application Questions:
What kind of sacrifices does God expect from us as a kingdom of priests?
Does the fear of man stop us from praising God in public?
What is the cost of confessing Christ in our daily lives?
How does moving from a me-centred to a God-centred world make us more thankful?
What are the biblical means for social financing?
What is wrong with the Marxist vision of social order?
How is it more blessed to give than to receive?
Why is a loveless profession worthless? See 1 John 3:17.
How can we implement God’s design for social financing?