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David preaching to congregation


Abraham, Father of Faithfulness

Date: September 8th, 2013
Scripture: Hebrews 11:8-22


We, by faith, are enabled to look forward, seeing all things in time and eternity according to God's glorious purposes.

Scripture:  Hebrews 11:8-22

Sermon Notes:

  1. Abraham is a model for us in the life of faith, facing seemingly insurmountable hurdles.
  2. Like Abraham, we may be uncertain about the future, discouraged, and intimidated.
  3. Faith is not simply intellectual assent to certain propositions about God.  It is a life of trust in God.
  4. Faith, not reason, assures us of the forgiveness of our sin in Christ.  
  5. A true Christian is a miracle of God’s grace, which cannot be accounted for by reason.
  6. Faith is a gift of God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8).
  7. We, by faith, are enabled to look forward, seeing all things in time and eternity according to God’s glorious purposes.
  8. Our words cannot shape or define reality; God’s Word creates and governs and overrules in all things.
  9. True faith is always Christ-centered; Christ is the culmination of all God’s purposes.
  10. Faith is to live consistently with the fact that God is who He says He is, that His Word is true, and that His promises are sure.
  11. We have faith not in faith, but in God; it is the character of God Himself that we place our confidence in.  We trust in God, His Word and His work.
  12. Biblical faith is not ‘name it and claim it.’  It is not instant fulfillment and gratification. 
  13. Abraham did not possess the promises within his lifetime.
  14. The apostles set out to preach the kingdom and reign of God, but did not see the complete fulfillment of it.
  15. Today we are still in a time of hope and active waiting, as the reign of Christ is being extended (Romans 8:19-25).
  16. We are numbered among those who inherit the promise of faith, awaiting the fulfillment of the promises to Abraham.
  17. We are in a walk of faith that requires obedience and patient endurance.
  18. Abraham’s faith led to glory going to God, emphasizing His faithfulness.
  19. Faith is built by turning our minds to God, and living by His power. 
  20. Our faith is tested in the confidence that the knowledge of God will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea  (Habakkuk 2:14).
  21. Faith is manifest in obedience and sacrifice.  If we are willing to face similar trials, we will carry the crown of Abraham.
  22. God has provided a lamb, and by Christ we shall triumph. 
  23. The obedience of faith is our sacrifice and our victory.

Application Questions:

  1. What are the characteristics of Abraham’s faith?
  2. Why are obedience and faithful endurance essential to the Christian’s life of faith?
  3. How does true faith differ from mere knowledge?
  4. How does biblical faith respond to delayed fulfillment?
  5. What should be the goal of our faith in God?
  6. How is our obedience evident in the face of trials?
  7. How much are we willing to sacrifice for the sake of the kingdom? 
  8. What is basis of the triumph of faith?  (Rev. 12:10-11)
  9. How can we grow in our faith this week?

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